Qu’est-ce que l’arthrose ? Comment la combattre ? đź“Ł
Qu’est-ce que l’arthrose, cette maladie qui touche plus de 10 millions de personnes en France, et comment la combattre ? đź’ˇ CĂ©cile Thibert, Journaliste santĂ©, interroge trois spĂ©cialistes du domaine Ă ce sujet dans cette vidĂ©o 🙏 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbgML2SmgOo 🔎 Francis Berenbaum, chef du service de rhumatologie, HĂ´pital Saint-Antoine AP-HP 🏥 explique ce qu’est l’arthrose et quelles sont les […]
LAMINA THERAPEUTICS: nano-reservoirs to regenerate cartilage and bone
This is an article published in the French biotech press. Some people have changed, and we’re now planning to enter the clinical phase, but all the rest is still up to date (here).
Creation of LAMINA THERAPEUTICS startup, fostered by SATT Conectus
Strasbourg welcomes a new start-up in its land of scientific excellence: LAMINA THERAPEUTICS, based on an innovative technology emerging from INSERM and the University of Strasbourg, and supported by SATT CONECTUS. This start-up is developing a new generation of implantable medical devices for regenerative medicine. A promising breakthrough innovation, which could open up new therapeutic […]