Qu’est-ce que l’arthrose ? Comment la combattre ? đź“Ł

Qu’est-ce que l’arthrose, cette maladie qui touche plus de 10 millions de personnes en France, et comment la combattre ? đź’ˇ CĂ©cile Thibert, Journaliste santĂ©, interroge trois spĂ©cialistes du domaine Ă  ce sujet dans cette vidĂ©o 🙏 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbgML2SmgOo 🔎 Francis Berenbaum, chef du service de rhumatologie, HĂ´pital Saint-Antoine AP-HP 🏥 explique ce qu’est l’arthrose et quelles sont les […]

Creation of LAMINA THERAPEUTICS startup, fostered by SATT Conectus

Strasbourg welcomes a new start-up in its land of scientific excellence: LAMINA THERAPEUTICS, based on an innovative technology emerging from INSERM and the University of Strasbourg, and supported by SATT CONECTUS. This start-up is developing a new generation of implantable medical devices for regenerative medicine. A promising breakthrough innovation, which could open up new therapeutic […]